万里长城第一关的山海关,继近年来方兴未艾的旅游热之后,又掀起了经济开发的浪潮。老龙头外吊臂林立,机声轰鸣,一座座高楼和厂房拔地而起。 这就是近两年新崛起的山海关经济技术开发区。 山海关开发区是1993年经河北省政府批准的省级开发区,近期开发面积5平方公里。远期规划面积20平方公里,共辟有港口、仓储、保税、旅游度假、金融商贸生活、高科技产业和工业等7个功能区。 1994年1月,新任管委会主任王连臣上任。他深知国家和省上都不可能拿钱让他们搞开发,要发展起来,就得自筹资金,自我滚动,一句话,自己的梦自己圆。 “借地生财”是山海关开发区的第一招。他们先把土地从农民手里买过来,修上路,通上水、电等,然后
The first pass of the Great Wall of China Shanhaiguan, following the booming tourism boom in recent years, but also set off a wave of economic development. Outside the old leader everywhere boom, sound roar, a high-rise buildings and plant stands up. This is the Shanhaiguan Economic and Technological Development Zone, a newly emerging area in the past two years. Shanhaiguan Development Zone is a provincial-level development zone approved by Hebei Provincial Government in 1993 and has a recent development area of 5 square kilometers. Long-term planning area of 20 square kilometers, a total of a port, storage, bonded, travel and vacation, financial business life, high-tech industries and industrial functions of seven. In January 1994, the newly appointed director Wang Lianchen CMC took office. He knows very well that it is impossible for the state and the province to take money for their development. If they want to develop themselves, they will have to raise money and roll themselves. In a word, their dreams themselves are rounded. “Borrowing money” is the Shanhaiguan Development Zone’s first move. They first bought the land from peasants, repaired the roads, brought water, electricity, and so on