In the microprocessor-controlled analog-digital module system, how the receiving and sending parties synchronize not only affects the quality of the system work, but also directly affects the system’s size, cost and work reliability. The solution proposed in the article to achieve synchronization is what we summed up in more than a year of scientific research. This paper applies the already mature synchronization theory and simply demonstrates the choice of synchronization parameters. It mainly introduces how to use the Z-80 microprocessor system’s own hardware in the microprocessor-controlled analog-digital module system PIO, CTC), especially the stronger software function to finish. Discussed in detail the working principle, the program flow chart. Introduced the principle of using statistical principles and counting technology to complete the “software phase lock” principle. This program uses very few other hardware, after we developed by the Z-80 microprocessor control of the actual system test proved to be a better synchronization program.