消毒供应室是医院感染的高危科室之一 ,随着对预防院内感染观念的不断深入 ,对供应室的全面质量管理要求也随之提高。我院供应室长期以来实施制度化、规范化、标准化的管理 ,发挥群体管理效应 ,有效地控制了院内感染 ,消毒质量上了一个新台阶。现将有关情况简介如下。1.严把消
Sterilization supply room is one of the high risk departments of nosocomial infection. With the deepening of the concept of nosocomial infection prevention, the requirements of total quality management of supply room also increase. The hospital supply room for a long time to implement the institutionalization, standardization and standardization of management, give play to the effect of group management, effectively control the nosocomial infection, disinfection quality to a new level. The relevant briefings are as follows. 1. Strictly eliminate