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1996年,陈晓带着47人凑齐100万元,买断永乐品牌,8年弹指一挥间,永乐电器已拥有超过60家的大型连锁卖场,在国家商务部公布的2004年上半年,中国前30家商业连锁企业排名中,永乐以94.7%的最高店铺数量增长速度,第一次跻身前十名,列席第九而其年销售额也从成立初期的100万元到2004年销售额160亿元,2005年有望突破300亿元,永乐神话引起业内外广泛炎注。“自从47人决定以100万元买断永乐电器的晶牌起,我就知道开弓没有同头箭,我不能对不起其它46位同志的信任!”永乐董事长陈晓动情地对记者称。陈晓 In 1996, Chen Xiaowan together with 47 people collected 1 million yuan to buy out the Yongle brand. In eight years, Yongle Electric had more than 60 large-scale chain stores in the first half of 2004 announced by the Ministry of Commerce. In the ranking of China’s top 30 commercial chain companies, Yongle has achieved the highest growth rate of 94.7%, ranking first in the top ten for the first time, ranking ninth, and its annual sales amounting to RMB 1 million from the initial stage of its establishment to 2004 sales. With 16 billion yuan, it is expected to exceed 30 billion yuan in 2005. The myth of Yongle caused widespread inflammation both inside and outside the industry. “Since the 47 people decided to buy off the crystal card of Yongle Electrical Appliances with 1 million yuan, I know that there is no arrow in the bow, and I can’t be sorry for the trust of the other 46 comrades!” Yongle Chairman Chen Xiao was sentimental to reporters Said. Chen Xiao
“我要做艺术家!”在那个梦想充斥生活的年代,总是有各种突发的想法出现在脑海里。想必很多人也和我一样有着未实现的梦想吧,“十元手工艺”让这个梦想简单地实现! “I want
1 .Add legs to the 画蛇添足。2 .A b00k holdsasnake after you havefinished薰粼house Of薰裹覆莽黄撬蠢撬、_舒gQ纷成语谚语@周森 1. Add legs to the painting. 2 .A b
沈炳坤,1963年出生,嘉兴人,香港工商管理学院硕士,清华大学MBA沈炳坤人很随和,说话时常带着微笑,当他认真地听你讲话、不时地点头,就如很久未见的老友,你很难 Shen Bingkun,
明明发现了一个千载难逢的商机,却不具备相应的生产能力,怎么办?简单异常的产品,什么样的保险能杜绝同行的模仿和追随?一个不起眼的小配件,怎样让客户重视起来?你为此头疼过吗?看他……  20多年来的竞争已经将裤钩这种产品的利润算计到骨头里,然而,李棠华却靠卖裤钩实现了年销售额1200万元的骄人业绩。  财富从何而来?要知道他所经营的不过是指甲大小的玩意儿裤钩,一种主要用于西裤的小配件。这个产品,在改革
Hosts Colombia,who nearly lost the right to stage theevent because of political unrest(动乱),won the CopaAmerican for the first time on Sunday,beating Mexico 1
Former USpresident BillClinton spoke ata symposiumon SARS andAIDS in Beijing.Clinton praisedthe Chinese government for its decision tohelp poor AIDS patients r
皮筋很小,也很便宜,一个只有几分钱。就是这个很不起眼的小物件,沁阳市紫陵镇坞头村农民却将它做成了一个大产业。  目前,紫陵镇以该村为中心的从事皮筋产业的农民有近万人,生产的五彩皮筋占据着全国皮筋市场份额的80%以上,年销售收入达到8000万乖以上。    搓皮筋,搓出小洋楼    “搓,搓,搓,搓皮筋,搓出了小洋楼,搓出了私家车,生产对路有销路,家家户户都致富。”笔者走进坞头村,听到村民自编的顺口