
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jansan77
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Background/Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate the mechanism of long-term biliary drainage after Kasai portoenterostomy by clinicopathologic study of hepatic morphology in explanted livers.Methods: Explanted livers from 13 consecutive children undergoing transplantation for biliary atresia were examined in detail using a standardized protocol.Group 1 (n = 6) had no Kasai procedure before transplantation at a median age of 8 m.Group 2 (n = 4) were transplanted at a median age of 10 m after a failed Kasai portoenterostomy.Group 3 (n = 3) had a successful Kasai but required transplantation for complications of chronic liver disease at 12-14 years.Pathology findings were correlated with hepatic morphology determined by pretransplant magnetic resonance imaging.Results: Large perihilar regenerative nodules (8-14 cm diameter) were observed in 2 patients after successful Kasai portoenterostomy, less well-de-fined perihilar nodules in group 2 patients, and no regenerative nodules in group 1.Microscopically, group 1 had diffuse biliary cirrhosis with evidence of progressive ductopenia during infancy.In group 2, perihilar regenerative nodules showed variable portal fibrosis but no cirrhosis and bile ducts were present with 68%-100%of hepatic arteries; in peripheral cirrhotic areas, bile ducts were absent in patients older than 9 m.The perihilar regenerative nodules in group 3 patients had a noncirrhotic architecture with preserved bile ducts, but the peripheral parenchyma was cirrhotic; one patient had diffuse macronodular cirrhosis.These morphologic findings correlated well with magnetic resonance images, highlighting the preservation of relatively normal perihilar liver architecture after successful Kasai portoenterostomy.Conclusions: Unoperated biliary atresia is associated with progressive intrahepatic ductopenia leading to diffuse biliary cirrhosis.Kasai portoenterostomy can result in the growth of large perihilar regenerative nodules, probably as a consequence of surviving intrahepatic ducts in this region.In some patients, long-term success after Kasai portoenterostomy may depend on hyperplasia of the perihilar liver. Background / Purpose: The aim of this paper was to investigate the mechanism of long-term biliary drainage after Kasai portoenterostomy by clinicopathologic study of hepatic morphology in explanted livers. Methods: Explanted livers from 13 consecutive children undergoing transplantation for biliary atresia were examined in detail using a standardized protocol. Group 1 (n = 6) had no Kasai procedure before transplantation at a median age of 8 m. Group 2 (n = 4) were transplanted at a median age of 10 m after a failed Kasai portoenterostomy. Group 3 (n = 3) had a successful Kasai but required transplantation for complications of chronic liver disease at 12-14 years. Pathology findings were correlated with hepatic morphology determined by pretransplant magnetic resonance imaging. Results: Large perihilar regenerative nodules (8-14 cm diameter ) were observed in 2 patients after successful Kasai portoenterostomy, less well-de-fined perihilan nodules in group 2 patients, and no regenerative nodules in group 1. Microscopically, group 1 had diffuse biliary cirrhosis with evidence of progressive ductopenia during infancy.In group 2, perihilar regenerative nodules showed variable portal fibrosis but no cirrhosis and bile ducts were presented with 68% -100% of hepatic arteries; in peripheral cirrhotic areas, bile ducts were absent in patients older than 9 m. The perihilar regenerative nodules in group 3 patients had a noncirrhotic architecture with preserved bile ducts, but the peripheral parenchyma was cirrhotic; one patient had diffuse macronodular cirrhosis.These morphologic findings correlated well with magnetic resonance images, highlighting the preservation of relatively perihilar liver architecture after successful Kasai portoenterostomy. Conclusions: Unoperated biliary atresia is associated with progressive intrahepatic ductopenia leading to diffuse biliary cirrhosis. Kasai portoenterostomy can result in the growth of large perihilar regenerative nodules, probably as a consequence of surviving intrahepatic ducts in this region. Some patients, long-term success after Kasai portoenterostomy may depend on hyperplasia of the perihilar liver.
[摘 要] 高等职业教育是指承担职业型高等教育任务,以培养技术型高级专门人才为目标的高等教育类别。高等职业教育主要承担着技术教育和技能教育的职能。以贵州城市职业学院教育改革和发展为例,通过学校学生的个人情况、社会对民办高等职业教育的看法、高等职业教育的方式等诸多角度,探讨高等职业教育的改革和发展方向。  [关 键 词] 高等职业教育;教育改革;校企合作  [中图分类号] G712 [文献标志码]
全世界享有盛誉的杰出通信科学家厉鼎毅博士(Dr.Tingye Li)是美籍华裔,1931年生于南京。青年时赴国外留学,1958年获美国西北大学电机工程博士。1957年进入AT&T贝尔研究院Hol