漆树是我局今后积极发展,大量培植的主要树种之一。漆籽外皮因有一层蜡质,且较坚硬,水分不易渗入,影响发芽。近两年来,我们采取多种浸种催芽方法处理漆树种子,试验结果,以下两种处理方法较成功。一、硫酸浸种法: 水选漆籽:用水选法去掉秕籽和杂质,将饱满种子晒干。配制溶液:用量杯或磁盆量取一定数量的水倒入磁缸,再量取等量的纯度为98%的
Lacquer tree is one of the main tree species that is actively cultivated by our bureau in the future. Paint a layer of wax because of a layer of wax, and more hard, moisture is not easy to infiltrate, affecting germination. The past two years, we take a variety of soaking seed germination method of tree seeds, the test results, the following two treatment methods more successful. First, the sulfuric acid soaking method: Water paint paint seeds: Water Law remove the seeds and impurities, the seeds will be full of dried. Preparation of solution: the amount of measuring cup or bowl to take a certain amount of water into the magnetic cylinder, and then take the same amount of purity of 98%