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目的:探讨前置胎盘的发病因素及其妊娠结局。方法:选择2009年8月~2013年8月在医院分娩的118例前置胎盘产妇作为研究对象,回顾性分析前置胎盘的类型、发病的相关因素及治疗情况,并随机抽期同期在医院分娩无胎盘异常的产妇118例作为对照组。结果:高龄、经产、≥2次人工流产、引产、剖宫产手术与前置胎盘的发生有直接影响;不同类型前置胎盘其产前出血、产后出血发生率亦不同,中央性前置胎盘发生产前出血概率大(P<0.01)、产后出血量最多(P<0.01)、子宫切除率最高(P<0.01)、临床结局最严重。结论:高龄、经产、≥2次人工流产、引产、剖宫产手术与前置胎盘密切相关;前置胎盘的妊娠结局与其类型及产前出血情况相关,中央性前置胎盘产前出血概率大、出血量多、严重威胁母儿生命。积极防治和及早诊断前置胎盘、加强产前保健和监护、延长孕龄、适时终止妊娠、关键控制出血可以改善围生期母婴结局。 Objective: To investigate the incidence of placenta previa and its pregnancy outcome. Methods: A total of 118 cases of placenta previa delivered from August 2009 to August 2013 in our hospital were selected as the research object. The types of placenta previa, the related factors and the treatment of the placenta were retrospectively analyzed. The patients were randomized in the hospital 118 cases of maternal birth without placental abnormalities as a control group. Results: There was a direct impact on the incidence of placenta previa in both advanced and post-production, ≥2 abortion, abortion and cesarean section. The incidence of prenatal hemorrhage and postpartum hemorrhage in different types of placenta previa were also different. The probability of prenatal bleeding in the placenta was high (P <0.01), the amount of postpartum hemorrhage was the highest (P <0.01), the rate of hysterectomy was the highest (P <0.01), and the clinical outcome was the most serious. Conclusion: The elderly, the production, ≥ 2 abortion, induced labor, cesarean section and placenta previa closely related; placenta previa pregnancy outcome and its type and prenatal bleeding, the incidence of central placenta previa probability Large, more bleeding, a serious threat to mother and child life. Active prevention and early diagnosis of placenta previa, to strengthen antenatal care and guardianship, to extend gestational age, timely termination of pregnancy, the key to control bleeding can improve perinatal maternal and infant outcomes.
尿潴留为肛肠病手术后常见并发症.笔者自拟化瘀通淋煎治疗观察120例,收到良好效果,现报告如下. 临床资料:肛肠病术后合并急性尿潴留238例,分2组.治疗组:120例,男89例,女31例;
肛门直肠周围脓肿638例,男544例,女94例;年龄15~76岁.皮下脓肿363例,粘膜下脓肿36例,坐骨直肠窝脓肿165例,骨盆直肠间隙脓肿38例,直肠后间隙脓肿36例. 治疗方法:骶麻下取侧卧