中德合作陕西西部造林项目涉及宝鸡市的陇县、千阳、麟游、宝鸡和咸阳市的彬县、永寿、旬邑7个县,由德国复兴信贷银行(以下简称KfW)提供1300万德国马克无偿援助。1993年开始实施,2002年KfW对项目进行了验收。 国家林业局2002年12月在给陕西省政府的文件中对本项目给予了充分肯定:中德合作陕西西部造林项目是第一个中德政府间的财政合作造林项目,完成了规定的23000公顷造林目标,90.1%的林分营造成功,造林区森林覆盖
Sino-German cooperation in western Shaanxi afforestation project involves 7 counties in Longxian, Qianyang, Linyou, Baoji and Xianyang in Bao County, Binxian, Yongshou and Xunyi counties in Baoji, which are provided by the KfW (German Rehabilitation Credit Bank) (hereinafter referred to as KfW) for 13 million German Mark grants. The project started in 1993 and was approved by KfW in 2002. The SFA fully affirmed this project in its document to the Shaanxi provincial government in December 2002: Sino-German cooperation in western Shaanxi afforestation project is the first financial cooperation afforestation project between China and Germany and completed the stipulation of afforestation of 23,000 hectares The goal, 90.1% of the success of the stand, afforestation area forest cover