今年八秩高龄的中南财经政法大学的边恭甫教授将自己的一生献给了我国的会计与审计教育事业,长期以来担任中国内审学会理事,湖北省内审学会副会长,武汉市内审学会副会长,是我国著名的农业会计学家,编写出版了《农业企业财务管理》《高级审计学》《经济活动的检查与监督》(译著)。他不仅是治学严谨的学者,待人宽厚的师长,还是一位“弦歌不绝风骚在”的诗人,他擅长写旧体的格律诗,六十多年来,已创作了1600余首诗,编印了一本《耕余诗集》,在师生中广为传诵。 边老出生在湖南宁乡一户农家,自幼父母双亡,由姐姐将他抚养长大,高小毕业后又读了三年私塾,苦读四书五经,在三湘尊师重
This year, eight-year-old Professor Zhong Gongfu of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law dedicated his life to China’s accounting and auditing education. He has long served as a member of China Institute of Internal Auditors, vice president of Hubei Institute of Internal Auditors, Vice president of the Society for Review, is a famous agricultural accountant in China, and compiled and published “Advanced Auditing in Agricultural Enterprises” and “Inspection and Supervision of Economic Activities” (Translation). He is not only a rigorous scholar of academics, generous teacher, or a poet who “never fails to excel in style”. He is good at writing old-style metrical poems. Over 60 years, he has produced more than 1,600 poems and edited Printed a “Gengyu poetry collection”, widely read in teachers and students. Old side was born in Ningxiang, Hunan, a farmhouse, his parents died, raised by his sister grew up, after graduating from high school and read three years private school, studying four books,