
来源 :湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:longlivewebdynpro2
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陈昌平的《非生意关系》,围绕着人在权力欲求中的复杂纠葛,展现了女性在以男性为主导的权力社会中于无可奈何中败退的无情现实,揭示了权力魔杖下男女两性地位失衡的真实处境;同时,小说还反映了两性在权力较量中由征服与屈从的关系主体逐渐衍化为施虐与受虐的关系主体,并在这种享虐性心理阴影的猖狂解构下陷入迷茫性存在境遇的社会图景和异化情境。 Chen Changping’s “non-business relationship” revolves around the complex entanglements of human beings in power desires, showing the relentless reality that women succumb to helplessness in a male-dominated power society and revealing the unbalanced status of men and women under power wands Real situation; at the same time, the novel also reflects that in the contest of power, the two parties gradually evolve from the subject of conquest and subjection to the subject of abuse and abuse, and they are immersed in a confused existence under the rampant deconstruction of this shadow of abuse psychology Social situation and alienation situation.