花鲈 Lateclabrax japonicus(Cuvier et Valencinnes)又名鲈鱼,七星鲈,鲈板,分布于中国、朝鲜和日本沿海。其肉质坚实,洁白细嫩,味道清香,是酒楼宴席的名贵海鲜,也是出口创汇的名贵水产品,在广东,花鲈名列“西江四名鱼”(鲈、嘉、鳜、(鱼甘))之首,花鲈药用价值高,鳃、肉洗净晒干均可入药,可治小儿百日咳、消化不良。吃花鲈还有加速伤口肌肉愈合之功效,沿海群众常把鲈鱼视为手术后的滋补品。
Sea bass Lateclabrax japonicus (Cuvier et Valencinnes), also known as perch, seabass, perch, distributed in China, North Korea and Japan coast. The meat is solid, white and delicate, the fragrance is delicious, it is a valuable seafood in the banquet of the restaurant and is also a valuable aquatic product for exporting foreign exchange. In Guangdong, the perch is ranked as “four fish in the Xijiang River” (perch, Ka, Sui, The first, perch high medicinal value, gills, meat, washed and dried can be used as medicine, can cure children whooping cough, indigestion. Sea bass also have the effect of accelerating the healing of wound muscle. Coastal people often regard perch as a tonic after surgery.