In “Coal Mine Electrical” No. 83 of 83 “West Shearer chainless traction device transmission characteristics of” one article, describes the West Shearer why its cylindrical pin gear with two different pitch - -125 and 126mm. Effov quoted the end of the article provides that when the face inclination ≤ 18 °, the rack pitch 126mm;> 18 ° 125mm. For example, an EDW-310-L shearer with a maximum recovery height of 3.5 m should have a 125 mm rack pitch if it is operated in coal seams with an inclination of> 18 °. The shearer of the shearer usually consists of a main traction part and an auxiliary traction part, and the hydraulic motors of the two traction parts are connected in parallel so as to double the traction force. Two hydraulic motors each