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2004年12月7日,为期三天的中国首届手机中文输入大赛暨个人手机输入赛落下帷幕。这个大赛的举办让人的眼光不由得聚焦到了手写手机的领域!是啊,是什么时候出现了手写的概念,又是什么时候根深蒂固茁壮发展的呢,“手写输入不但易学、易用,输入速度快而且它是具有自主知识产权的民族品牌。”汉工科技的相关负责人这样介绍。授权诺基亚、三星、索爱、联想、夏新、TCL等等著名品牌的汉王科技对手写技术的发展充满信心,“手写输入的优势不仅表现在手机上,电话机、税控机、收款机、机顶盒、各式PDA产品在内的数十种信息产品同样有汉字信息输入的需求和瓶颈,TabletPC、电脑绘图绘画、街头的POS机、电子白板、电子签名……手写输入的应用不但广泛而且优势也显而易见。未来,随着个人信息终端的逐步发展,相信手写输入的地位将无人取代。 On December 7, 2004, the first three-day Chinese mobile phone Chinese input contest and personal mobile phone input race came to a close. This competition held the eyes of people can not help but focus on the field of handwritten phones! Yes, when did the concept of handwriting emerge, and when is it deeply rooted and robust development, ”handwriting input is not only easy to learn, easy to use, input speed It is fast and it is a national brand with independent intellectual property rights. “” The relevant person in charge of Chinese science and technology introduced this way. Hanwang Technology, authorized by Nokia, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, Lenovo, Amoi, TCL, and other famous brands, is full of confidence in the development of handwriting technology. "The advantages of handwriting input are not only reflected in the handsets, telephones, tax control machines and cash registers , Set-top boxes, all kinds of PDA products, including dozens of kinds of information products also have the needs of Chinese characters information input and bottlenecks, TabletPC, computer graphics, street POS machines, whiteboards, electronic signatures ...... handwriting input is not only widespread but also The advantage is obvious too.In the future, with the gradual development of personal information terminal, I believe handwriting input will be replaced by no one.
  本文利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,对1991、2001 和2006 年三期的TM 影像进行校正、解译判读以及分类等处理,分别获取了延吉市各期土地利用类型数据,并从中提取出延吉市近15
在洪江区文化馆有两块“镇馆之宝”的文物,一块据说是元代的雕版,描绘了洪江古城的繁华:河面上拥挤着密密麻麻的商船,颇有“东去巨舻摇橹下,西来小艇扬帆过”的景象; There
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