急性胰腺炎过程中可表现为各种特殊的临床表现(中华内科杂志,5:404,1965),急性胰腺炎的脑症状(又称胰性脑病如精神障碍等),近来受到注意。我们曾观察到急性胰腺炎伴精神障碍2例,现报告如下:例1 郁××女57岁。上腹部持续性剧痛伴呕吐一天入院。既往无精神病史。检查:体温36.8℃,脉搏70次/分,血压120/68毫米汞柱,急性痛苦病容,皮肤无黄染,巩膜略黄,腹软有压痛。神经系统检查(-)。白细胞8700/立方毫米,中性67%,淋巴31%,酸性2%。血清淀粉酶苏氏法1600单位。肝功能:黄疸指数15
Acute pancreatitis can be manifested in a variety of special clinical manifestations (Zhonghua Journal of Internal Medicine, 5: 404,1965), acute pancreatitis brain symptoms (also known as pancreatic encephalopathy such as mental disorders, etc.), has recently been noted. We have observed two cases of acute pancreatitis with mental disorders, are reported as follows: Example 1 Yu × × female 57 years old. Persistent abdominal pain with vomiting on the day of admission. Past no history of mental illness. Check: body temperature 36.8 ℃, pulse 70 beats / min, blood pressure 120/68 mm Hg, acute pain and disease, no yellow skin, slightly yellow sclera, tenderness and tenderness. Neurological examination (-). White blood cells 8700 / cubic mm, 67% neutral, lymphatic 31%, acid 2%. Serum amylase Suisse method 1600 units. Liver function: jaundice index 15