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史诗人物以貌取人。评价人的优劣,外表是重要的参考。然而,他们也意识到外表并非必然是实质的真实写照。男人的美德首先是刚勇(alke),是雄健、豪迈的英雄气质以及与之相关的作战效果。史诗人物的审美观注重表象,却也不受长相的局限,涉及评判的深层。除了外表和战力,英雄们可以引以为自豪的还有心灵的活力,众多的“心”词中有phren、noos和noema的思考能量。史诗人物对“心”和“思”的重视,为后世希腊哲学的产生和拓展奠定了坚实的基础。文学作品中蕴涵丰富的容易被后世哲学家们忽略的深邃哲智。人死后,精魂(psuche)飘离躯体,鲜活的生命于是陨灭,不再通过轮回复生。荷马的心魂观在一些重要的方面与后世的奥耳甫斯以及柏拉图的灵魂学说迥然不同。在荷马和史诗人物看来,“本人”(autos)才是实体,而“影像”(edolon)晦暗、虚缈,既不具备活人的健美,也因为失去了心智而不再拥有思力,通常无法进行体现睿智(这也是一种美)的思考。战争不仅消灭人的肉体,而且夺杀年轻勇士的生命,终止他们的社会实践和价值追求,摧毁他们的本真。 Epic character appearance to take people. Evaluation of the merits, appearance is an important reference. However, they also realize that appearance is not necessarily a true portrayal of substance. Men’s virtues are, above all, alke, heroic, heroic heroic and combat-related effects. The aesthetic outlook of the epic figure focuses on the appearance, but it also does not limit the appearance and involves the depth of judgment. In addition to appearance and combat power, the heroes can be proud of and the vitality of the soul, many “heart” words have phren, noos and noema thinking energy. The emphasis of epic figures on “heart ” and “thought ” has laid a solid foundation for the generation and expansion of later Greek philosophy. Literary works contain a wealth of profound philosophy which is easily overlooked by later philosophers. After the death, the psuche drifts away from the body, the vivid life dies and no longer reincarnates. Homer’s outlook on the soul is quite different in some important respects from that of later generations of Orpheus and of Plato. For Homer and the epic, “autos” are entities and “edolons” are dull and empty, neither of whom are fit and die, nor lost their minds And then have the thinking, usually can not reflect wisdom (which is also a kind of beauty) thinking. The war not only eradicated human flesh, but also seized the lives of young warriors, ended their social practice and pursuit of value, and destroyed their true nature.