教师 要善于发现美

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岁月匆匆,弹指一挥间,我在中学讲台上已执教十年。这期间,酸甜苦辣咸个中滋味只有自己知道。但有一点无法否认,我们经常喊累只是因为为一些小事忙碌烦躁,其实仔细想一想,真的都不是什么大不了的事。我们总 Years of hurried, fingertips, I have taught in the middle school podium for ten years. During this period, the taste of sweet and sour and salty taste only you know. But one thing I can not deny is that we often shout tired just because we are bothered by some small things. In fact, it is not a big deal to think carefully. We always
<正> 一、前言研究精度的主要原因是要借助运转最精确的气浮支承的机床来制造光学零件。在现有光学技术条件范围内,形状准确和散射小的金属反射表面,能用金刚石刀具经过常规