在社会主义市场经济条件下,贫困地区如何加快发展,摆脱贫困,这是贫困地区的干部特别是领导干部亟需回答的一个十分重要的问题。丹凤县地处秦岭东南麓的商洛山中,是个“九山半水半分田”的土石山区。历史上曾是商鞅受封之地,“四皓”隐居之所,闯王屯兵之处,红二十五军长征途中创建的鄂豫陕革命根据地的中心区域,是一个革命老区。但在本世纪30年代,随着陇海铁路通车,东南——西北货运改道,丹凤作为“北通秦晋,南接吴楚”、“水舟通荆襄,陆马入关辅”的水旱码头的地位骤然下跌,经济发展也步入下坡,以至于成为国家重点贫困县。1985年开始,在上级的支持下,丹凤县经过10年的努力,到1995年贫困人口下降了7万多人,但仍有10.7万人处在贫困线以下。 就贫困地区而言,之所以长期贫穷落后是多因素综合影响
Under the socialist market economy, how to accelerate the development of poverty-stricken areas and get out of poverty is a very important issue urgently needed to be answered by cadres in the poor areas, especially leading cadres. Danfeng County is located in the southeast Foothills of the Qinling Mountains, is a “Nine Hills and a half semi-sub-fields” of rock and mountain. Historically, Shang Yang was a sealed-in place. The “Sihao” seclusion, Chuangting station, the central area of the Hubei, Henan and Shaanxi revolutionary bases created during the journey of the Red Army 25 was a revolutionary old quarter. However, in the 1930s, with the opening of the Longhai Railway and the diversion of transportation routes from southeast to northwest, Danfeng, as the water source of “North Qin Jin and South Wuzhu” The status of dry dock suddenly dropped, economic development also stepped down, so as to become the national key poverty-stricken counties. Since 1985, with the support of its superiors, after 10 years of hard work in Danfeng County, the number of poor people dropped by more than 70,000 in 1995, but there are still 107,000 people living below the poverty line. In the case of poverty-stricken areas, the long-term poverty and backwardness are multi-factorial and comprehensive