现今的音乐舞台百花争艳,演奏家层出不穷,而听众的欣赏水平也在日益地提高。在听过无数次音乐会以后,我发现人们对于大部分音乐会的评价总是:不错!还可以! 很少有那种让人感到十分满足的。尽管评论家们竭尽赞美之词,也总免不了有一种“言犹未尽”的意思,心中忍不住在想:如果他能再“那么”一点儿就更好了。这就向我们的演奏家们提出了一个严峻的问题:到底什么样的演奏才达到极致呢? 要回答这个问题,让我们先来看一看明代隐士洪自诚在所著《菜根谭》中的一段
Nowadays, the stage of the music is full of flowers, performers are endless, and the audience’s appreciation level is also increasing day by day. After listening to countless concerts, I found that people rated the majority of concerts as good ones! Yes! Few of the most satisfying. Although critics have done their best to praise them, they always have a “say it or not” meaning that they could not help thinking: If he can “then” a little better. This poses a serious question to our performers: what kind of performance can we achieve? To answer this question, let us first take a look at a section of the Ming Dynasty hermit Zhizeng Tan