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南京云锦是中国传统的丝制工艺品,有“寸锦寸金”之称,至今已有近1600年历史,它浓缩了中国丝织技艺的精华,是中国丝绸文化的璀璨结晶,代表了中国丝织工艺的最高成就。在上一期的“文化之根”栏目里,《经济》记者向读者介绍了云锦的历史由来、发展现状、独树一帜的“生产型”保护方式以及目前政府和民众对其传承发扬的重视 Nanjing Yunjin is a traditional silk handicraft in China. It has a history of nearly 1,600 years and has condensed the essence of Chinese silk weaving technology. It is a brilliant crystal of Chinese silk culture and represents The highest achievements of China’s silk technology. In the last issue of “Roots of Culture”, “Economic” correspondents introduced readers to the historical origins, development status quo, and unique “production-type” protection methods as well as the current government and people’s heritage The importance of
校门口是我们每天上学、放学的必经之地,但却很少有人真正地去观察它。  上学时,我们在家长们的目送下走进校门。此时,你若回头看一看就会发现,家长的目光中流露出那么多的期盼,那么多的疼爱。一次,我看见一位小朋友手上拿着一杯牛奶和一块面包,匆忙地下了父亲的摩托车,焦急地往校门口跑去。坐在车上的父亲却不停地对他说:“再吃点,来得及。”看见儿子津津有味地吃着面包,他的爸爸笑得好开心,那笑里蕴含着多少的怜爱啊