Epidemiology Clostridium botulinum spores in the soil widely distributed, according to the survey of the United States to A, Europe to B, Japan to E-based. However, due to the frequent exchanges of animals and foods in the world nowadays, such regional differences have gradually become meaningless. For example, the results of the survey on the distribution of Clostridium botulinum in the Soviet Union in 1967 were: 8.3% for type A, 28% for type B, 2.1% for type C, 0.2% for type D, 62% for type E and 0% for type F; The new findings were 4.6% for type A, 15.3% for type B, 1.5% for type C, 7.6% for type A + C, 19.8% for type E and 51.1% for type F. The highest detection rate of the previous B-type reduced, the original only 0% of the F-type has jumped to 51.1%. In the soil and food in Japan detected A, C, D,