林辰,1928年生,辽宁省东沟县人。1946年参加革命时从事新闻工作,1949年开始从事图书编辑工作,先后在新华书店东北总分店编审部、东北人民出版社、辽宁人民出版社、东风文艺出版社任编辑、编审。1988年被辽宁省人民政府授予有突出贡献专家称号,1992年又荣获国务院特殊津贴。 40多年的编辑生涯,分三个阶段。从1949年到1979年这30年,他自称为“学徒期”——时间虽长,成就很少。由于要完成当时的历史使命,不能搞专业,因而他从事了政治、经济、政治经济学、文学、史地、语言文字、美术、农业技术、卫生常识以及音乐舞蹈等多学科的通俗读物编辑工作。“万金油”式的编辑业务是革命工作的需要,虽失于专,却得于博;在编书上成就不大,但学到了本领,树立了作风,为后期能做出一番事业打下了牢实的基础。第二阶段是从1979年到1988年,短短的9年,在明清小说的编辑出版中做出了突出的贡献,编辑了《明末清初小说选刊》、《红楼读书
Lin Chen, born in 1928, Donggou County, Liaoning Province. In 1946 to participate in the revolution in journalism, in 1949 began to engage in book editing work, has Xinhua Bookstore Northeastern Branch of the editorial department, Northeast People’s Publishing House, Liaoning People’s Publishing House, Dongfeng Literature and Art Publishing House editor, editorial. In 1988, Liaoning Provincial People’s Government awarded the title of outstanding contribution expert, and in 1992 won the State Council special allowance. 40 years of editorial career, divided into three stages. In the 30 years from 1949 to 1979, he claimed to be “an apprenticeship” - his time was long and its achievements were scarce. Due to his historical mission and professionalism, he engaged in multidisciplinary popular book editing such as politics, economics, political economy, literature, history, language, art, agricultural technology, health knowledge and music and dance . Although there was a lack of specialization in the editorial work of the “Allied Oil” type, it was boiled down. It did not make much achievements on the compilation of books but learned the skills and set the style for the future to make a difference. Solid foundation. The second stage is from 1979 to 1988, a short period of 9 years, in the Ming and Qing dynasties editor made outstanding contributions, edited “the late Ming and early Qing novels,” “reading”