转变教学理念 强化能力训练——谈高职语文教学知识性与实践性的结合

来源 :山西教育(教学) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sdniloveu
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随着社会经济的发展、产业结构的调整,社会对人才的需求发生了很大的变化,用人单位越来越注重毕业生的动手能力和综合素质。高职院校就是为企业培养生产实践需要的技能型人才,是向社会输送直接服务于市场的劳动者,高职教育具有明确的职业价值取向和突出的职业特征。高职语文作为高职教育的重要组成部分,必须适应职业教育发展的要求,改变传统的教学理念,构建与培养高技能职业人才相一致的教学体系。以市场需求为目标,以能力培养为核心,注重语文知识与技能的统一,体现高职语文教学知识性与实践性的结合。一、创新课程设计,体现职业特色目前,大部分的高职院校都开设语文课,但是在“以就业为导向,文化课为专业课服务”的思想指 With the social and economic development, the adjustment of industrial structure, the social demand for talent has undergone great changes, employers pay more and more attention to the practical ability and overall quality of graduates. Higher vocational colleges are the skilled personnel needed to train enterprises in production practice, and they are the laborers who provide services to the market directly to the society. Higher vocational education has a clear career value orientation and prominent professional characteristics. As an important part of higher vocational education, the higher vocational language must meet the requirements of the development of vocational education, change the traditional teaching idea and construct a teaching system that is consistent with the training of highly skilled professionals. To market demand as the goal, to capacity-building as the core, focus on the unity of language knowledge and skills, reflecting the combination of vocational knowledge and practical teaching of Chinese. First, innovative curriculum design, reflect the professional characteristics At present, most of the vocational colleges are set up language classes, but in the “employment-oriented, cultural class professional services” idea
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