The Magna Carta

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  1. In 2015 the UK celebrated the 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta, which means ‘Big Charter’ or ‘set of rules’, was a document signed by King John. At that time in England, the King had a lot of power, but he was very unfair. He made people pay a lot of taxes, even when they didn’t have any money. He took land from people and stole the food that they had grown.
  2. The barons of England were very angry and they wanted things to change. So they went to London and took control of the city until King John agreed to meet with them. They made him sign a document with new rules about what the King could and couldn’t do. It was the first document that clearly explained the idea that ‘all men are equal’. For the first time, ordinary people had freedom and could disagree with the king. Also, it would be ordinary people, not the king, who decided when someone had broken the law.
  3. Many people think that the Magna Carta was the first time a country recognised human rights. Some of its rules still exist in many countries today, including the UK. For example, you cannot put someone in prison unless you can prove they have done something wrong. Eight hundred years later, these rules still protect us so that everyone can live freely.
  4. These days, you can visit Runnymede, where the Magna Carta was signed. It is near London, by the River Thames. Today you can see a sculpture that celebrates different people from around the world who have fought for freedom. It reminds us exactly how important the Magna Carta was.
  Activity 1
  Check these words and phrases in a dictionary or online. Then put them into sentences 2–8. Change the form of the words and phrases if you need to.
  1. Nelson Mandela made sure he protected human rights in South Africa.
  2. Henry is in prison now because he ______ and the police arrested him.
  3. Our teacher had to leave the classroom so Mr Smith ______ and gave us all extra homework at the end of the class.
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  4. If you want to improve your salary and timetable at work, you will have to ______ it.
  5. Finally the government ______ that climate change is real and that people need to do something to stop it.
  6. Jenny ran ______ around the supermarket and her father didn’t stop her.
  7. In the past, ______ had a lot of power and helped to decide the rules of the country.   8. Ben loved the ______ of living on his own and not having to follow his parents’ rules any more.
  Activity 2a
  There are four paragraphs in the text (1–4). Match the headings (a–d) to each paragraph.
  The beginning of important rights
  Not a king for ordinary people
  Art to celebrate freedom
  Changing the rules
  Activity 2b
  Choose the best answer, a, b or c, for each question.
  Why was King John unfair?
  He had a lot of power.
  He didn’t follow the same rules as other people.
  He ate too much food.
  Why did John meet the barons?
  Because they had taken control of London.
  Because they were angry.
  Because he wanted them to sign a document.
  What was an important new idea in the Magna Carta?
  Ordinary people could break the law.
  The king could disagree with ordinary people.
  Everyone had the same human rights.
  Why is the Magna Carta still important today?
  Because many countries still have its rules.
  Because there are fewer people in prison.
  Because it is very old.
  What can you see at Runnymede today?
  People who have fought for freedom.
  A piece of art.
  A copy of the Magna Carta.
  Activity 3a
  ‘Today you can see a sculpture that celebrates different people from around the world who have fought for freedom.’
  That and who are examples of words we can use to talk about things and people. Can you match the words below with what we use them to talk about?
  where   which or that   whose   why   when
  Activity 3b
  Now complete the sentences using one of the words from Activity 3a.
  Example: Her favourite restaurant is the one which / that has vegetarian options.
  My new office is just next to the river ______ I usually go fishing.
  It was about half past three ______ I finally had lunch because I had a lot of work to do in the morning.
  I really don’t know ______ Rebecca always arrives late. Maybe she needs a new clock!
  Clarence was the student ________ mobile phone was stolen during the break.
  We want someone ______ can use computers to come and work with us.
  Activity 1
  2. broke the law; 3. took control; 4. fight for; 5. recognises;
  6. freely; 7. barons; 8. freedom
  Activity 2a      1. b; 2. d; 3. a; 4. c
  Activity 2b      1. b; 2. a; 3. c; 4. a; 5. b
  Activity 3a
  a. which or that; b. when; c. where; d. why; e. whose
  Activity 3b
  1. where; 2. when; 3. why; 4. whose; 5. who/that
  Activity 4
  Which human rights should everyone have? Why?
Still hungry, Rachet ran all the way to the tire and dove in.   She turned as smoothly as flowing water, lifted her head, and breathed in deeply. The Roxville Cats were each back in their First Homes.
【1】很少人会反对,短短数十载现代社会已然发生巨变。其变化体现在各个不同方面。可举之例有:可支配收入增长、消费品和服务大增、个人流动性提高、休闲支出增加和日常家务时间减少。  【2】我们可以强调日益复杂的知识库带来的技术效率提升,或现代消费模式越来越多的资源“足迹”,或贸易的集约化,或传统农村产业的衰落,或制造业向发展中国家转移,或“知识”经济的出现。  【3】我们当然应该指出,这些变化伴随且有时
【编者按】本文内容节选自新华社译审王季良先生的翻译笔记。作者从其翻译外刊的实践中选取例句,配以地道的中文翻译,有时辅以适当说明,指津点要,陈说翻译难点。本刊认为,这些翻译点滴对学习翻译者大有裨益,特刊发以飨读者。  1. in the liquid-coal pipeline  In China, there is about $ 25 billion worth of investments c
【1】很少有人会否认,仅仅数十年间,现代社会就已发生了巨大变化。变化可能表现在诸多不同方面,譬如,可支配收入增长、消费品与服务供应大规模增加、个人出行能力提高、休闲开支增多,以及日常家务时间减少。  【2】可能值得注意的是,日益复杂的知识领域带来的技术效率的提高、现代消费模式留下的不断增加的资源“足迹”、贸易交往的加强、传统乡村产业的衰落、制造业向发展中国家的转移,以及“知识”经济的兴起。  【3
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