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肖德汶先生早年任教于一所大学,到苏州工作是在1986年苏州胶囊公司组建的时候。胶囊公司是当时江苏省最大的中外合资的制造企业,肖先生是胶囊公司最初的元老之一。在胶囊公司的12年中,肖先生经历了公司的成立、发展和壮大的整个过程,工作经历也相当丰富,从最早的总经理秘书、到后来的部门经理。在此过程中,他努力钻研所从事的工作,及时对工作中的经验进行总结和提炼,尤其是他所从事的人力资源管理中的心得体会,从而积累了大量的管理学的实践经验和理念。1999年1月,他受聘艾默生集团,与其他六位外籍经理共同创建艾默生电气苏州有限公司——艾默生在海外最大的投资项目,主要负责人力资源管理系统的组建。经过近4年的努力,艾默生电气(苏州)有限公司已基本步入正轨,人力资源管理的各项具体工作也井然有序地进行,在2001年度集团的评估中得到了总公司的高度评价。现在,肖先生主要负责中国区的人力资源管理工作,同时也兼管部分的销售人员与业务。 Mr. Shodwin taught at a university early and worked in Suzhou at the time of the establishment of Suzhou Capsule Company in 1986. Capsule company was the largest joint venture manufacturing company in Jiangsu Province at that time, and Mr. Xiao was one of the first veterans of the capsule company. In the 12 years of the capsule company, Mr. Xiao experienced the whole process of the establishment, development and expansion of the company. His work experience is also quite rich, from the earliest general manager secretary to the later department manager. In the process, he worked hard to study his work, summarized and refined the work experience in time, especially his experience in human resource management, which accumulated a great deal of practical experience and philosophy of management. In January 1999, he was hired by Emerson Group to work with six other foreign managers to create Emerson Electric Suzhou Co., Ltd., the largest overseas investment project ever made by Emerson, focusing on the establishment of a human resources management system. After nearly four years of hard work, Emerson Electric (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. has basically entered the right track, and all the specific work on human resources management has been carried out in an orderly manner. It was highly appraised by the parent company in the assessment of the Group in 2001. Now, Mr. Xiao is mainly responsible for human resources management in China, but also part of the sales staff and business.
随着市场经济的发展,私营企业主阶层迅速崛起,他们的政治意识也在悄然觉醒和成长……如何看待私营业主参政现象?请关注“老板参政——市场经济发展的必然要求”。 With the
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在语文阅读教学中,利用拓展的方式,援引哲学、美学等相关的材料,既有利于开阔学生的视野,又有利于实现语文的教学目标,更有利于提高学生的语文素养。 In the teaching of Ch