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雪下了一夜。天一亮,县城里的一切便都披上银装出现了。县城很小,被银装包裹倒增添了股洁白的舒服感。这洁白虽然让人心里舒服,但这洁白也让人出行不方便了。街道上都是雪,早起的人和车在雪上行走,有些艰难,就盼着街道上的雪快些清走了。以雪为令,全速出动!这是县政府给全县城各单位的指令。只要下雪,各单位便要迅速行动起来,在雪停后的第一时间内把自己单位所承担的 Snow overnight. Day after day, all the county town put on silver appeared. The county is small, silver-coated package inverted white stock added comfort. Although this white people feel comfortable, but this white people travel inconvenient. The streets are snow, early risers and cars walking in the snow, some difficult, just looking forward to the snow on the streets more quickly cleared away. To snow order, full speed out! This is the county government to the county’s units of the directive. As long as the snow, all units will have to act quickly, in the snow the first time after the commitment of their own units
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