大黄属泻下药,有攻积导滞、泻火凉血,行瘀通经之功。笔者取其泻腑安脏治疗支气管肺炎,取得了满意的效果,现举例如下。 1 典型病例 1.1 风寒闭肺:患儿,女,10个月,1996年1月5日初诊。3天来咳嗽气急,喉有痰声,发热无汗,舌淡红,苔薄白,指纹青。证属风寒闭肺。治拟辛温开肺。方选三拗汤加味。处方:炙麻黄3g,杏仁4g,荆芥3g,苏子4g,陈皮2g,炒莱菔子3g,熟大黄3g,清炙甘草2g。每日1剂,水煎服。服药3剂,诸症悉除。 1.2 风热闭肺:患儿,男,2岁,1995年8月10日初诊。咳嗽4天,伴有气促,喉有痰声,不能咯出,微有汗出,咽部红赤,舌苔薄白微黄,指纹浮紫。证属风热闭肺。治拟辛凉开肺。方选银翘散加减。处方:银花
Rhubarb is diarrhea medicine, there are offensive guide stagnation, purging fire cooling blood, stasis Tongjingzhitong. I take the cure for diarrhea Fu organs of bronchial pneumonia, and achieved satisfactory results, for example as follows. A typical case 1.1 cold and closed lung: children, women, 10 months, January 5, 1996 newly diagnosed. 3 days cough, shortness of breath, throat phlegm, fever, no sweat, tongue pink, thin white fur, fingerprinting green. Card is cold closed lung. Simulated Xin Wen open lung. Square election three bend soup taste. Prescription: Sunburn Ephedra 3g, almonds 4g, Nepeta 3g, Suzi 4g, dried tangerine peel 2g, fried Radish seeds 3g, cooked rhubarb 3g, biced licorice 2g. Daily 1, Shuijianbi. Medication 3, Zhu Zheng know. 1.2 wind and heat closed lung: children, male, 2 years old, August 10, 1995 newly diagnosed. Cough for 4 days, accompanied by shortness of breath, throat phlegm, can not spit out, slightly sweating, red throat pharynx thin yellowish yellow, purple fingerprints. Card is wind close the lungs. Simulated cold to open the lungs. Fang election Yinqiao San addition and subtraction. Prescription: Silver Flower