从黑夜到白天 一对异性恋人眼中的同性恋世界

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阿根在深圳的梧桐山中过着半隐居的生活。2014年末,我们(玛鲨苗酱,一对异性恋情侣,二人制作团队)经常在下午两点抵达山里。那时天气很热,阿根光着膀子起床,披件睡袍在山里摘菜喂鸡,有时会站在山头或蹲在树下,长时间地发呆。他的男友小海,一直在厨房里忙前忙后。厨房里有一口烧柴的大锅和一人高的柴火。“我来自大连下面的一个县级市。”阿根坐在镜头面前,说到自己的老家有点不好意思,“一个叫瓦房店的地方,你们可能没听说过。”恰巧那时出了个大新闻,有只军队里的大老虎就是瓦房店人。 Agen lived a semi-secluded life in Wutongshan in Shenzhen. At the end of 2014, we (Ma shark skin paste, a couple of heterosexual couples, two production team) often arrived in the mountains at two o’clock in the afternoon. At that time the weather was very hot, Agen wore bare hands, dressed in robe picking robbery in the mountains, and sometimes stand on the hill or squatted under a tree for a long time in a daze. His boyfriend sea, has been busy in the kitchen busy. The kitchen has a wood-burning cauldron and a tall firewood. “I came from a county-level city below Dalian.” “Agen sat in front of the camera and said his hometown was a bit embarrassed.” You might not have heard of a place called Wafangdian. " At that time out of a big news, there is only a tiger in the army is Wafangdian.
目的 总结连续160例婴儿先天性心脏病的外科治疗经验.方法 病婴系2~12月龄,平均(7.3±2.9)月龄的男婴96例,女婴64例.体重3~11kg,平均(6.7±1.4)kg.心胸比率0.45~1.00,平均0.61±0.10.63例有不同程度肺动脉高压.103例有2种以上病变.15例常温下行未闭动脉导管缝扎术,其余145例均在全身麻醉、低温、体外循环下行心内畸形一期根治术.结果 术后30d内死