In recent years, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, located along the southwestern border of the motherland, has gradually taken the fringe of the coastal areas as the golden gateway to mainland China and the ASEAN countries by virtue of its location along the coast and along the Yangtze River. The 2,600-km frontier border not only transnational railways and trans-national expressways To connect with other countries, there are more than 10 open ports and 25 border trade points and 37 border cross-border points such as Long Bang, Friendship Pass and Dongxing. However, while this golden passage has brought conveniences to all the friends of other countries, it has also caused more and more criminals to fantastically dream of “finding a solution to the problem of fish and fish”. They illegally resorted to illegally stealing the border areas of China to illegal workers in developed cities in China or even engaging in criminal activities. They not only seriously affected the order of China’s socialist market economy,