The Manifestation of Fashion Jewelry in Visual Images

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  Abstracts: With the rapid diversification of human life, jewelry has been regarded as work of art to cultivate temperament , show personality and improve life quality. The investment value function of jewelry has been gradually weakened while beautification function is becoming more and more important. The strong decorative of fashion jewelry has added bright color to visual image design. On the basis of analysing fashion jewelry, this text is to further elaborate the relations between fashion jewelry and visual image.
  Key Words: fashion jewelry; visual image; relation
  1.1 Conception of Fashion Jewelry
  With multiple materials, flexible ways of wearing and unique design, fashion jewelry has strong artistic expressive force and close relation with dress collocation and are suitable for market sales. The biggest characteristic of fashion jewelry is attaching much importance to decoration.
  1.2 Defination and Origin of Visual Image
  1.2.1 Defination
  Image design ,also named image-building, is a kind of visual communication design studying one’s apperance and modelling and also an interdisciplinary subject about art and design.It covers making up , clothing, hairstyles and appearance, except for Character temperament positioning and behaivors. Image design is a kind of comprehensive package of human internal and external image. To design an individual image fit for one’s identity, profession,cultivation and age, a designer must have a comprehensive creation for a specific person from inside to outside to achieve perfect combination of one’s inside quality and outside image.
  1.2.2 Origin of visual image
  Image design stemmed from human initial decoration for themselves and the dual requirements of practicability and aesthetics. Although some scholars regarded clothing and making-up as the origin, the desire for decoration is more important than their desire for covering bodies with textile fabrics. Simple decorative patterns satisfying the requirements of decoration existed longer than textile fabrics. In the period when human began to make tools consciously, aesthetic consciousness came into being. The rudiment of decorating art could be found in the earliest practical tools. But how to allocate the surplus material goods became an inevitable question in the process of development in labor productivity. Distribution system directly brought about division of social hierarchy, which up to a point led to generation of different classes. Except for the differences between people in physical ability, outside jewelries could make different rights as plain as daylight, which could be considered as tokens and marks of some force, courage or dexterity .This decoration of self image visually formed an identity label of some right and made a start for graphic arts on a social significance.   2.Analysis of fashion jewelry in visual image
  2.1 Dermal color property and collocation of fashion jewelry
  Skin of spring style is yellowish. With the colors of pale ivory, warm beige, it is delicate and transparent. Gold fashion jewelry is very suitable and glossy gems of yellowish color, such as olivine, topaz and ivory pearl, are fit for this skin, while jewelries with black or excessively dazzling color should be avoided.
  Skin of summer style presents the color of light pink, milk white and is white and tender with blue cast. Platinum and silver jewelry are both appropriate. Slant blue gems, for example, sapphire and light pink peals help to foil clear and transparent temperament. Too showy gold or accessories with the sense of heaviness should be avoided.
  Skin of autumn style tends to be yellow with the color of ivory ,deep orange or black camel. Luxury gold is perfect. Gems like garnet, red coral and topaz also conform to this skin. Silver jewelry is not fit because the sense of light is unfit for the maturity of this kind of people.
  Skin of winter style is slant cold with the color of bluish white or light olive or indigo tawny .It is such a cold tone that any blush can not be found. Platinum jewelry or bright silver jewelry should be taken as the principal choice. Precious gems like sapphire, emerald and diamond are also fit.
  2.2 Matching of clothing and fashion jewelry
  2.2.1 Fashion jewelry and color of clothing
  In the choice of fashion jewelry to fit for clothing, different mental feelings appear because of color difference between jewelry and clothing. After grasping rules, one can learn to utilize the relationship of contrast and coordination and avoid selecting mistakes. Objective utilization of coloring rules and perceptual understanding can increase vitality to the art of dress collocation.
  2.2.2 Fashion and clothing materials
  Jewelry texture depends on clothing materials. Mental material is shiny, diamond material possesses dazzling splendor while pearl is endowed with halation. According to materials, jewelries can be divided into metal jewelries, non-mental jewelries and gem jewelries. Non-mental jewelries are made of non-mental materials including glass, ceramics, leather, cordage, silk, plastics, rubber, timber and fruit. With wide scope, non-mental materials can be selected according to the need and style of clothing and have become the best choice because of rich texture, multiple variety close collocation with clothing texture, easy matching and moderate cost. They are appropriate for daily wearing while mental materials and gems are better on formal occasions.   2.2.3 Jewelry and clothing style
  Fashion jewelry mainly suites to formal dress and casual clothing. Formal dress refers to solemn and formal clothes dressed on momentous occasions. So ceremonious jewelries should be chosen such as ornaments with diamond and top grade. A suit of gorgeous jewelry may be the best choice to highlight extraordinary disposition and honorable status. Casual clothing is appropriate in unfettered and footloose casual living, which exhibits an concise and natural landscape. To fit for its casual style, many materials can be chosen but numbers of units shouldn't be too many. Choose different ornaments according to one’s different interest no matter the style is maverick or romantic or ethnic.
  2.3 Body types and fashion jewelry
  Fashion jewelry is fit for perfect body type as well as other body types like obesity, emaciation and being tall. Mignon and concise ornaments are better for partially short bodies.
  2.3.1 Obesity
  The physical characteristics are described as bloated and round and short necks. Ornaments that can help to whittle both sides should be chosen. Earnings, rings and bracelets of dark color are appropriate. Necklaces and pendants must be long, thin and large. This kind of jewelry is helpful to attract others and avoid attention to wearers’ obesity. Short and round ornament are unsuitable because these can make necks look more short. Because of fat arms and wrists, it is better for fat people to choose wide and broad bracelets and armlets with dark color to avoid lateral vision and deepening impression of obesity.
  2.3.2 Emaciation
  Fashion jewelry is much fit for tall and slender people who are thin and weak with long and thin necks. Lighted-colored ornaments of sidelong strips, lumps, facets are better. Thin and long necklaces should not be selected since these may deepen the impression of thin long necks. To make necks look shorter, stubby necklaces may be more appropriate. Too skinny people must adorn tiny and succinct jewelry and avoid adorning a complete set of jewelry at the same time because masses of ornaments may make them look more skinny. Necklaces and bracelets are not suitable and eardrops and rings should be mignon.
  3.Fashion jewelry’s prospect in visual image
  Considered as a guide to fashion trend of development, fashion jewelry is prospective in future jewelry market. As any art form may rise and fall in some period, there must be correct understanding of the future developing direction of fashion jewelry.Advantages should be enhanced while disadvantages avoided.   4.1 Combination of technology and art
  Changing quickly, the information age is also a golden age for designers to bring their creativity and imagination into full play. While giving great push to designers’ imagination, technology has also put forward higher demand for designers’ technique. Meanwhile for designers, the designing process is also a participating process by technique, which should be vigilantly realized by designers. Comprehensive understanding and grasping of technology development in new fashion jewelry can make designers more skillful and help combine technology and art well.
  4.2Humanized design
  Future is an age for humanized design combining art with science and humanity with technology. Art and humanity can make design full of aesthetic feeling ,fun and vitality and act as a ligament connecting human and design. It may push design to the extreme and run counter to the original intention of design to unilaterally emphasizing one side and neglect another. Human is the user of design and designer itself besides the subject of design ,so human is the centre of design and the scale. Following human’s sentimental changes, designing more humanized works which can communicate with human emotion is considered to be the requirements of fashion jewelry development.
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轻巧一变 别有洞天
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