妻不在家里的这些天,我才成了名符其实的家主,真正地可以随心所欲,想干啥就干啥。兴奋点很多,要做的事也很多,最后选中的第一件事还是拼命地听巴赫。 妻在家时总是讥刺、嘲讽、挖苦我:连通俗歌曲一唱都跑调跑得无影无踪,如此没有一点音乐细胞,还充什么高雅……我只能在心里反抗她,真正的音乐是无法用语言来表达的,得用心灵去感受……但我的那几盒《巴赫》始终暗无天日地躺在CD们的最底层。 我从一堆垃圾般的纸箱里将《巴赫》找了出来,巴赫先生浑身散发出一股霉腥味。使我顿时涌有了亵渎圣灵之感。我掸了掸盒面上的灰,胖乎乎戴了假发套模样安祥端庄的老巴赫露脸了,再一抹,下面又出现了一排字:“J.S.Bach(1685-1750)——谁能像我一样勤奋,谁就能拥有与我一样的成就……”这位出生于音乐世家的德国人,十八岁起历任多处教堂和宫庭的乐长及管风琴师,去世百年后,其创作才得到应有的尊
These days when my wife is not at home, I became a truly de facto homeowner. I can really do whatever I like and what I want to do. A lot of excitement, there are many things to do, the first thing finally selected or hard to listen to Bach. His wife is always ridiculed at home, ridiculed, sarcastic I: Even the popular songs run away without a trace of singing, so no music, but also what kind of elegance ... ... I can only revolt in her heart, the real music is Can not express in words, have to feel the soul ... ... But my box “Bach” has always been lying on the bottom of the CD. I found Bach out of a pile of trashy cartons, and Mr. Bach exuded a musty smell. Suddenly I had a sense of desecration of the Holy Spirit. I dusted the dust on the box, the chubby wig wore an old, graceful old Bach showing her face. A second line appeared: “JSBach (1685-1750) - who can be like me Diligent, who can have the same achievements as me ... ”The German-born family of musicians, aged 18, has served as musician and organist of several churches and palaces, and only attained a century after his death Due respect