
来源 :沈阳干部学刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sinoerli
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目前,中国经济所处的背景主要是工业化进程已经进入重化工业阶段;中国经济已经进入了“板块时代”;体制改革进入突破时期;入世进入后过渡期。由此,中国经济呈现出四大趋势:“南快北慢”局面将被打破;中国多极经济格局正在形成;新一轮结构调整已经开始;体制机制创新已上升到战略层面。我们面临着北方机遇;资源变动机遇;调控区别机遇;体改后发机遇。结合沈阳实际,我们要谋划、安排、运用好以下四个策术:增大能量,提升能级;进中求稳,快中求好;活而不乱,浑而不浊;重点变亮点,平面变立体。 At present, the background of China’s economy lies mainly in that the process of industrialization has entered the stage of heavy chemical industry. China’s economy has entered a “plate era.” Institutional reform has entered a breakthrough period. It has entered the transitional period after its entry into the WTO. As a result, there are four major trends in China’s economy: the situation of “slow south to north” will be broken; the pattern of multi-polar economy in China is taking shape; the new round of structural readjustment has already started; and institutional and institutional innovation has risen to a strategic level. We face the opportunities in the north, the opportunities for resource changes, the differences and opportunities in regulation and control and the opportunities for the reform in the future. Combined with the actual situation in Shenyang, we must plan, arrange and apply the following four tactics: increasing energy and upgrading energy levels; entering into the middle for stability and seeking improvement sooner rather than later; The plane becomes solid.
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