90年代初新疆即开始在棉花、玉米、小麦等作物上推广应用种衣剂 ,但在此其间由于气候、种子质量、种衣剂针对性和适应性等方面的原因 ,相继出现种衣剂影响作物出苗和生长的现象 ,给种衣剂推广应用带来了极大的负面影响。为此自 1 997年起 ,我们根据新疆绿洲农业区域的特殊性 ,
In the early 1990’s, Xinjiang started to popularize the use of seed coating agents on cotton, corn and wheat crops, but in the meantime, due to climate, seed quality, seed coating specificity and adaptability, seed coating effect Crop emergence and growth of the phenomenon, to promote the application of seed coating has brought a tremendous negative impact. For this reason, since 1997, according to the particularity of Xinjiang’s oasis agricultural area,