The role of calcium in endotoxin-induced release of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) from rat

来源 :Science in China(Series C:Life Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caojiangtao007
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In the present study, the role of calcium in endotoxin-induced CGRP release was studied. 2 .5-50 μg/mL endotoxin and 1 -10 mmol/L caffeine caused concentration-dependent increase of CGRP release from rat spinal cord in vitro. However, no additive effect could he found when caffeine and endotoxin were concomitantly incubated. By using capsaicin, Ca2+-free medium, Omega-Conotoxin, nifedipine, W-7, ryanodine, MgCl2, Tris-ATP, rutheni-um red, the results indicate that the release of CGRP evoked by endotoxin from the sensory fibers of rat spinal cord is dependent on extracellular calcium. After entering into the cell through the N-type calcium channel, calcium binds to calmodulin, and triggers calcium release from intracellular calcium store by activating the caffeine-sensitive but ryan-odine-insensitive mechanism. In the present study, the role of calcium in endotoxin-induced CGRP release was studied. 2.50-50 μg / mL endotoxin and 1-10 mmol / L caffeine caused concentration-dependent increase of CGRP release from rat spinal cord in vitro. By using capsaicin, Ca2 + -free medium, Omega-Conotoxin, nifedipine, W-7, ryanodine, MgCl2, Tris-ATP, rutheni-um red, the results indicate that the release of CGRP evoked by endotoxin from the sensory fibers of rat spinal cord is dependent on extracellular calcium. After entering into the cell through the N-type calcium channel, calcium binds to calmodulin, and triggers calcium release from intracellular calcium store by activating the caffeine-sensitive but ryan-odine-insensitive mechanism.
孩子不听话时,家长应该先反省自己的教育方法是否得当。只有这样,家长才能以更加科学、合理的方法教育出听话的好孩子。 When children disobedient, parents should first
我院自1990年至1995年收治8例特殊类型动脉瘤,治疗效果满意。现报告如下。 1 临床资料 1.1一般资料:在8例特殊颅内动脉瘤中,男性6例,女性2例。年龄最小21岁,最大68岁。病程
手巧心就灵。所以,很多妈妈就希望宝宝多进行一些促进精细动作发展的游戏。可是,孩子一点也不想画画、做手工,他怎么那么没有耐性呢?    ● 无论什么时候,兴趣都是孩子最好的老师。因此,精细动作虽然是培养出来的,但更是在孩子的兴趣之上培养出来的。如果你设计的游戏足够吸引孩子,他会很乖地坐下和你一起玩,同时也锻炼了小手的灵活性。比如和他一起玩给小狮子换发型的游戏,就可以让他练习撕各种弯曲度的纸了。  ●