由国家人力资源和社会保障部(人社部)法规司、FESCO联合主办,《职业》杂志社为支持媒体协办的第四届“律·动中国”——FESCO 2014年全国公益法律巡讲活动,于2014年5月26日在北京拉开序幕,人社部法规司副司长余明勤、FESCO董事总经理王一谔,以及中国对外服务工作行业协会等有关领导共同出席了北京站活动。来自拜耳、壳牌、西安杨森、西门子、甲骨文、佳能、中国银行等400余家中外企业的人力资源总监或经理参加活动,希望在企业管理工作方面获得最权威的法律指导。
By the State Human Resources and Social Security (Ministry of Personnel) Law Division, FESCO co-sponsored by “professional” magazine in support of the media in the fourth “law move China” - FESCO 2014 National Public Law Tour Speaking at the opening ceremony on May 26, 2014 in Beijing, Yu Mingqin, deputy director of the Law and Manpower Division of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Wang Yifan, managing director of FESCO, and other leaders from China’s Association of Foreign Service Industries attended the Beijing Railway Station. From Bayer, Shell, Xi’an Janssen, Siemens, Oracle, Canon, Bank of China more than 400 Chinese and foreign enterprises, human resources director or manager to participate in activities, hoping to obtain the most authoritative legal guidance in business management.