访日归来,有朋友问我:你感受最深的是什么?我毫不犹豫地答道:是日本高等学校的图书馆建设。在日本期间,通过对横滨商科大学、鹤见大学、神奈川大学等几所高校图书馆的实地考察,确实感到它们的图书馆建设有不少独到之处。将图书馆建设放在重要地位 日本是个竞争激烈的社会,大学也不例外。为了在竞争中取胜,各高校除努力加强教师队伍建设外,还把相当大的注意力用于图书
Returned to Japan, a friend asked me: What is your deepest feeling? I did not hesitate to replied: Japan’s higher education institutions in the library building. In Japan, through field trips to several university libraries such as Yokohama Business University, Tsurumi University, and Kanagawa University, they did feel that there were quite a few unique features in their library construction. Making Library Building an Important Place Japan is a highly competitive society and universities are no exception. In order to win the competition, colleges and universities in addition to efforts to strengthen the building of teaching staff, but also devote considerable attention to books