高小华 1955年出生于南京,1982年毕业于四川美术学院,曾先后执教于四川美术学院和中央美术学院。1978年创作油画《为什么》首开“伤痕美术”先河,是“乡土绘画”重要代表人物之一。《为什么》、《我爱油田》在全国第五届美展中双获银奖,并为中国美术馆收藏。1982年创作《赶火车》在中国美术馆展出,被中国美术学届誉为“油画的清明上河图”。1985年移居美国,作品多次参加世界各地画展,并获美国CAC艺术大展金牌奖等多项奖项。1999年获得美国亚太艺术研究院“20世纪艺术贡献奖”勋章。2000年回国, 现为重庆大学人文艺术学院教授,研究生导师,中国美术家协会会员。2001—2005年主持承担两项国家重点文化艺术项目:大型艺术景观《红岩村启示录》总体设计之一及油画创作总负责人;重庆·中国三峡博物馆《重庆大轰炸》半景画主创者之一。
Gao Xiaohua was born in Nanjing in 1955 and graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in 1982 and has taught at Sichuan Fine Arts Academy and Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1978 the creation of oil painting “why” first opened the “scar art” precedent, “local painting” one of the important representatives. “Why”, “I Love Oilfield” won the Silver Award at the Fifth National Art Exhibition and was collected by the China Art Museum. 1982 creation “catch the train” exhibited in the China Art Museum, by the China Art Academy as “painting on the river”. Emigrated to the United States in 1985, his works have participated in many art exhibitions around the world and received many awards such as the Gold Medal at the CAC Art Exhibition in the United States. In 1999, he received the Medal of 20th Century Art Contribution Award from the Asia Pacific Institute of Art. Returning to China in 2000, is now a professor at Chongqing University College of Humanities and Arts, a graduate tutor, member of the Chinese Artists Association. 2001-2005 presided over two national key cultural and art projects: large-scale art landscape “Red Rock Village Revelation” one of the overall design and oil painting chief; Chongqing China Three Gorges Museum “Chongqing bombing” semi-landscape master one.