苏联的艺术——社会主义现实主义的艺术——是与人民的生活,与共产主义社会建设者的生活密切联系在一起的。它受着共产党的领导与指导,因而是对劳动人民进行精神教育的有力手段,是马列主义思想的积极宣传者. 检阅与评价一九五四年全苏美展(这是多民族的苏维埃造型艺术的全民大检阅)所展出的苏联美术家的作品,正应当从上述要求出发,并以苏联共
The art of the Soviet Union - the art of socialist realism - is closely linked with the life of the people and the life of the communist social builder. It is under the leadership and guidance of the Communist Party and is therefore a powerful instrument for spiritual education of the working people and an active propagandist of Marxist-Leninist thinking. Reviewing and Evaluating the All-Soviet Art Exhibition of 1954 (This is a multi-ethnic Soviet style art Of the National People’s Congress) exhibited the works of Soviet artists, should be based on the above requirements, and the Soviet Union