《普通劳动者》中景物描写的笔墨虽然不多,但在文章中占有不可忽视的地位。细细品味,作用有三。 1.点明时代背景小说第4段描写了工地劳动的场景:“一条高大整齐的‘山岭’把两个山头联在一起,一条条巨蟒似的卷扬机趴在大坝上。坝上坝下到处是人,汽车、推土机在匆忙地奔跑……”作用运用比喻、拟人等修辞手法,栩栩如生地描写了大坝工地上你追我
Although there are not many pens and inks in the depiction of the objects in the “Ordinary Workers”, they occupy an indisputable position in the articles. Fine taste, there are three effects. 1. The 4th paragraph of the Ming Dynasty era background novel depicts scenes of work on the site: “A tall and orderly ’mountain mountain’ connects the two hills together and a huge hoisting machine snaking on the dam. Everywhere, people, cars, bulldozers are running in a hurry... "The use of metaphors, personifications and other rhetorical devices, lifelike description of the site on the dam you chase me