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近年来,青州地区陆续出土了一批雕刻精美、贴金彩绘保存较好的石质造像,时间自北魏晚期以迄北齐。其中以1996年龙兴寺窖藏的发现备受瞩目,出土造像所透露出的静谧深思、静定内省的气质,丰润优雅的姿态及动人的微笑给人留下了深刻的印象,备受学术界、宗教界与社会各界的高度关注。这批佛像为青州地区造像的分期、区域特征以及风格研究提供了珍贵的实物资料。 In recent years, Qingzhou area successively unearthed a number of beautifully carved, gold painted better preserved stone statues, the time since the late Northern Wei Dynasty to Northern Qi. Among them, the discovery of the Longxing Temple cellar in 1996 attracted much attention. The quiet contemplation revealed by unearthed statues, the quiet temperament of introspection, the elegant and graceful figure and the touching smile left a deep impression on the people and received much academic support Community, religious circles and all sectors of society. These Buddha statues provide precious material information for staging, regional characteristics and style research of statues in Qingzhou area.