李清华老师是《语言教学与研究》编辑部的元老之一,也是这份杂志诞生、成长历史的见证人。在伴随《语言教学与研究》走过20 多年风风雨雨的日子之后,她即将告别这份她用生命中最宝贵的年华培育和呵护过的心爱的杂志了。李老师此刻的心情我们虽难以完全理解,但也能体会一二。本期特发表李老师写的《我和〈语言教学与研究〉》一文,以作为李老师与本刊以及广大作者和读者的告别仪式,也作为一个珍贵的纪念。
Li Qinghua is one of the veterans of the editorial department of “Language Teaching and Research” and is also the witness of the birth and growth history of this magazine. After more than 20 years of ups and downs with Language Teaching and Research, she is about to say goodbye to her beloved magazine, nurtured and cared for by her most precious childhood. Teacher Li’s mood at the moment although we can not fully understand, but can understand one or two. In this edition of “I and” written by Professor Li, I wrote a farewell ceremony for Teacher Li with my magazine, the majority of authors and readers as well as a precious memorial.