The concept expression of Chinese pictorial photography in the digital age

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  Abstract:With the progress of the times,the development of art is also in constant innovation.Art forms extend to diversification.Exchanges and mutual learning between different cultures in the world have laid a solid foundation for the diversity of art forms.Under this background,pictorial photography has gradually become the favorite of the creative trend in photography.With the globalization of the Internet and the popularization of electronic technology,some photographers began to make deep exploration of pictorial photography with the help of digital technology,and the traditional pictorial photography entered a new era.
  Keywords:pictorial photography;digital technique;New era
  一、Digital extension of pictorial photography
  New pictorial photography is not only the use of traditional landscape painting for artistic creation,but also some photographers combine fine brushwork,traditional drama,traditional clothing and popular elements into other subjects of photography,such as sun county's commercial portrait photography.His portraits for stars are simple,simple and without losing the essence of traditional Chinese culture.Each one is based on a deep foundation of painting.He pursues the ultimate in the lines,light,shadow and layout of the pictures.Through the techniques of meticulous painting,the figures and still life under the works exude oriental charm and elegance..
  二、New meaning photography in contemporary context
  1.Concept expression of new pictorial photography
  Yao Lu's "Chinese landscape" series uses the modern digital darkroom technology,perfectly combines the green dustproof net visible in the whole country with the natural mountain range,with pavilions and pavilions,and assembles the exquisite green landscape picture,combines the traditional oriental art aesthetic concept with the modern life elements,and develops and innovates on the basis of inheriting the previous pictorial photography.Dai Xiang's new "riverside map of the Qingming Festival" shows hot news events in the form of self directing and self acting,such as violent law enforcement,priceless villas,mental illness,porcelain bumping,etc.The volume of the work is huge.People and scenery take into account the light,perspective,color perspective and other factors.Readers can see every detail clearly.The author puts the life scene of the 21st century on the prosperous street of the Northern Song Dynasty,and the dislocation of time and space makes the hot issues abrupt and absurd.Compared with the original work,the new Qingming Riverside painting is based on the present as the starting point,both critical and reflective.In addition,Wang Qingsong's "old chestnut banquet" in the early stage,which imitates the composition of "Han Xizai's banquet",expresses his skepticism of decadent life through the gaudy atmosphere.   Whether it is the green landscape built by Yao Lu's real scenes,or Dai Xiang's city life reset on the riverside of Qingming by deductive means,they all process the current environment and events of human life into art works with the help of science and technology.From their works,we can see the artists' attention to society.
  2.The application of commercial photography
  New pictorial photography is not only the use of traditional landscape painting for artistic creation,but also some photographers combine fine brushwork,traditional drama,traditional clothing and popular elements into other subjects of photography,such as sun county's commercial portrait photography.His portraits for stars are simple,simple and without losing the essence of traditional Chinese culture.Each one is based on a deep foundation of painting.He pursues the ultimate in the lines,light,shadow and layout of the pictures.Through the techniques of meticulous painting,the figures and still life under the works exude oriental charm and elegance.
  At present,new pictorial photography should rely on the power of science and technology to closely integrate with the development of the times,apply pictorial to the creation of new themes such as aerial photography,VR,virtual digital,and graft with painting,music,comprehensive materials,etc.,and explore the possibility of future photography through new materials,media,and language.In the future,new pictorial photography should infuse the author's unique soul.Pictorial painting is only a means.What works need is the artist's deep-seated and wide-ranging cultivation and connotation in all aspects,so as to enhance the image value and promote the extension of photography.
摘 要:本文将讨论基于互联网科技的在线教育对英语教学教育的影响以及未来的发展前景,通过对英语在线教育发展有效性的讨论,进一步讨论在线教育对未来初中英语教育的长远影响。  关键词:初中英语在线教学;网络资源共享;主动学习;  自21世纪以来,网络科技爆炸式发展至今,人类社会在生活、生产领域广泛利用互联网科技取得了迅猛的发展。随着信息时代步入成熟发展阶段,在教育领域上关于互联网科技的探索和发现也越来越
摘 要:党性教育是共产党人修身养性的必修课,也是共产党人的‘心’学。各级党校要把党性教育作为教学的主要内容。”党性教育是党校教育的核心和灵魂,是党校的主业主课,是党校学员的必修课,要坚持以党性教育统领学习管理、组织管理和生活管理,贯穿于学员在校学习生活的全过程。新时代赋予党校党性教育新特点新内容新要求,党性教育要立足實际,创造性的多方探索和实践,有效改进党性教育方式方法,提高党性教育实效。鉴于此,
摘 要:高中阶段的政治知识具有一定的情境性,如果单纯地对学生进行知识的灌输非但不利于学生的理解和吸收,还会造成学生的排斥心理,影响整个课堂教学的效果。情境教学法符合政治知识的特性和高中生的身心特点,所以将其运用到在高中政治课堂教学中是非常必要的。基于此,本文从利用信息技术创设直观情境、结合教材内容创设问题情境、融合现实要素创设生活情境、设计情景剧本创设角色情境四个维度出发,来分析情境教学法在高中政
摘 要:美术学科不是考试学科,但承担着美育的功能,在当今强调学生全面发展的素质教育中也占有一席之地。基于此,初中美术教师就需要对自己的教学持以重视的态度,并且将其体现在自己的教学行动中。在具体教学的过程中,初中数学教师要激发学生的学习兴趣,要对学生进行有效指导,还要促进学生个性化发展。这些都是教师为了实现有效教学需要做到的,接下来笔者将在本文中展开详细的介绍。  关键词:有效教学;美术教学;初中 
摘 要:高校学生的思想政治教育是我国教育教学体系中极为关键的一环,是学生进入社会以前普遍接受的且十分重要的一项教育。新时代对思政教学提出了新的要求,传统课堂内容和模式已经不再适应学生和社会的发展需求,而与时俱进,不断革新逐渐成为思政课堂的教学核心。但是,目前大学的思想政治课堂仍存在一些教学问题,如课程内容陈旧,课堂模式单一,评价体系落后等。对此,学校应该切实抓住课程的核心,加快课程内容的更新速度,
摘 要:“課程思政”是落实立德树人根本任务的重要举措。本论文尝试探讨如何设计课程教学、将疫情思政有机融入高职英语写作教学中,发挥英语写作课程的育人功能,提升高职院校外语人才培养质量。  关键词:疫情思政;渗透;英语语法教学;策略  习近平总书记强调:所有课堂都有育人功能,不能把思想政治工作只当作思想政治理论课的事,其他各门课要守好一段渠、种好责任田。“每门课程讲德育,每位教师讲育人”。在抗击疫情期
摘 要:随着生活中手机参与度的不断提高,述情障碍这一人格特征与手机依赖的关系逐渐进入研究的视野。有研究发现,述情障碍的形成与多方面的因素有关,述情障碍者存在一定的缺陷,述情障碍与手机依赖有显著的相关关系。  1述情障碍的概念  述情障碍又称“情感难言症”或“情感表达不能”,是个体缺乏识别他人和描述自我情绪的能力,表现在情绪识别困难、情绪描述困难和外部取向思维三个方面(Taylor G J,2000
摘 要:基于中职学校学生的实际情况,教师开展德育渗透工作显得尤为重要。开展德育渗透,有利于学生建立正确的道德观,有利于学生拥有明辨是非的能力,有利于学生讲文明、懂礼貌,做一个文明的学生,做合格的社会主义接班人。本文作者立足于本校的教学育人实践情况的感悟,以“建立榜样育人模式,形成学生榜样效应”“ 创新班级活动育人模式,家校合作构建和谐的班级氛围”和“创立新的德育评价体系,培养合格的接班人”三个方面
摘 要:通过查阅大量的化学文献,并且结合学生的实际化学学习情况,笔者在本文从目前初中化学课堂的教学现状入手,并且接着又提出了三点趣味性教学的有效策略,详细阐述了初中化学教师如何对学生实施科学有效的趣味性教学,从而有效促进学生可以形成一种更加积极、更加主动的化学学习态度。  关键词:初中化学;趣味性教学;有效策略  新课程标准要求,初中化学的教学应该是让学生能够以一种更加轻松、更加愉悦的状态来全面认
摘 要:初中阶段,化学是抽象性较强的一门教育学科,进行相关教学工作不可避免需克服重重困难,这就对各任课教师提出了很大挑战。与此同时,全面分析化学学科教学内容可知,其中大多知识都与现实生活息息相关,内在联系紧密。综合以上所述,平时进行初中化学学科教学工作的时候,各任课教师就可以巧妙结合生活元素探究系列科学教学策略,最大程度优化教学效果,促进学生化学素养提升。  关键词:初中化学;生活元素;优化教学 