Tongue enlargement can be congenital, it can be acquired. The former often associated with the existence of certain syndromes, the latter can be the growth of the tongue muscle tumor formation, or coexist with the mandibular deformity, such as mandibular protrusion. Several methods of tongue repair have been reported, in which Rhein-wald proposed wedge resection of the tongue 3 to 5 cm wide (FIG. 1A). Meig's approach involves cutting off the side of the tongue. However, both approaches have the disadvantage that only the tongue length is reduced without reducing the tongue width. Pichler and Trauner recommend repairing both the posterior and apical regions of the tongue (Figure 1B), which is often not adequately corrected. Egyedi and Obwegeser, and later Beichenbach et al., Improved to a one-piece resection of the tongue and middle (Figures 1C, D)