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很久很久以前,竹家庄有家富户,户主名叫竹元华。竹元华娶妻慕氏,聪明贤慧,一年后生了儿子,日子过得蛮舒畅。但不久,竹元华染上了赌博恶习,成天成夜在赌场呼五吆六,常常不归家,还在睹场搭上了几个风骚女人,整天厮混在一起。蓉氏知道后,好言相劝,谁知竹元华竞将慕氏一纸休书体回了娘家。慕氏怕年幼的儿子在家吃苦,便也将儿子一同带到了娘家。那竹元华休了妻子,更是无牵无挂,肆元忌惮,和赌友“半仙”、“野鸡毛”、“活兔伯伯”等人在牌桌上纵横驰骋,不久,便将一份殷实家 Long, long time ago, there was a well-to-do household in Zhijiazhuang, and the head of the household was named Bamboo Yuanhua. Bamboo Yuen Wah married his wife Mu, clever and wise, gave birth to a son a year later, the life is quite comfortable. But shortly afterwards, she took a gambling abuse and went to night in the casino to call her five or six times. She often did not go home, and she still caught up with several coquettish women and stayed together all day long. After Cher knew, a good persuade, who knows bamboo Yuan Hua Jing Mu Mu a piece of paper off the body back to her parents. Much afraid of young son suffering at home, it will also bring his son to her parents. That bamboo Yuhua Hugh off his wife, but also without cause or effect, wanton avoidance, and gamblers, “half immortal,” “pheasant hair,” “rabbit” and other people at the table gallop, and soon, will An honest family
飞鼯猴,雨林里的“佐罗”  这种天赋异禀的飞鼯猴既不是鼯鼠也不是猴子,属皮翼目鼯鼠科的成员。因为从身体侧下身体颌颈颌延伸至四肢,直到尾巴尖端具有大而薄的皮翼,脸部长得像灵长目的狐猴,因而得名。  飞鼯猴是一种夜行性动物。白天,它通常把身体卷曲成球状,加上深褐色的皮肤,伪装成树瘤,因此,白天很难看到它的踪迹;夜晚,是它的活动时间,它先会舒展蜷曲一天的身体,在经过约半小时的梳理毛发、排泄等活动后,就开