
来源 :南京大学学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcnews
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本文以野外实例和室内实验资料,评述了运用“平滑度原则”确定断层动向的片面性,提出了羽列剪裂阶步、雁行张裂阶步、动力摩擦阶步和滑动拖曳阶步等四种断层阶步的基本类型和其主要的形态特征以及运用它们判断断层动向的方法,并且也讨论了在运用这些断层阶步判别断层动向时应该注意的一些问题。 Based on field experiments and laboratory experiments, this paper reviews the application of the “smoothness principle” to determine the one-sidedness of fault orientation and proposes four methods of plume shear step, geese cracked step, dynamic friction step and sliding drag step The basic types of fault steps and their main morphological features, and the method of using them to determine the direction of faults. Some problems that should be noticed when using these fault steps to discriminate fault trends are also discussed.