解放战争时期,肖克将军在不到半年的时间里“两唱空城计”,取得了保卫石家庄之战的胜利。 5月:一唱“空城计” 1948年5月,刚刚解放的华北重镇石家庄市,各项工作正在蓬勃展开,给了华北解放区极大的支援,石家庄顿时便成了当时华北的经济与文化中心。国民党当局对此恨之入骨,总想把石家庄市从人民手中夺回去。 一天,晋察冀军区司令部得报,敌人要偷袭石家庄。据悉,偷袭部队是傅作义的四个步兵师、一个骑兵
During the War of Liberation, General Xiao Ke won the battle of defending Shijiazhuang in less than six months. May: Singing “Empty City Project” In May 1948, the newly liberated northern city of Shijiazhuang was booming and gave great support to the Liberated Areas in North China. At that time, Shijiazhuang suddenly became the economic and cultural center of North China. The Kuomintang authorities hated it and always wanted to reclaim Shijiazhuang from the people. One day, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Command reported that the enemy wanted to attack Shijiazhuang. It is reported that the attacking force is Fu Zuoyi’s four infantry divisions, a cavalry soldier