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《老总论坛》栏目是特别为奋斗在石油和化工行业一线的老总们开辟的一个展示才华和传授经验的自由空间和平台。自本栏目征稿启事刊出之后,本刊每天都收到省内外很多石油和化工行业老总的咨询电话和投稿。在此,我们河北化工杂志社的全体人员感谢老总们对本刊的关注和支持。相信老总们对石油化工行业的高瞻远瞩和独到见解,能引起很多对行业发展的思考,也能从中得到很多启迪。为了让更多的人能分享您的经验、智慧、才华、成就和灼见,请拿起笔,把您要写的“精髓”载入史册。来稿不拘体裁和形式,不限长短和内容,既可谈治军之道,又可叙保健之术;既可说古论今,又可就技术、设备说长道短;既可谈经验体现导向性,又可论“走麦城”体现借鉴性。《浅谈河北化企如何谋发展》由河北路得润石油化工有限公司董事长牛云龙撰写,文章分析了我省石油和化工企业的发展现状,认为应从资金和政策支持入手,通过全行业从业人员的共同努力,为河北石化行业发展和河北经济振兴出谋划策、贡献力量。 The “Forum of CEOs” is a free space and platform dedicated to demonstrating talent and imparting experience, especially for veterans who work hard in the oil and chemical industry. Since the publication of this column after the publication of the notice, the journal received a lot every day inside and outside the province petroleum and chemical industry CEOs telephone consultation and submission. Here, we all staff of Hebei Chemical Industry magazine thanked veterans for their concern and support. I believe veterans of the petrochemical industry, far-sighted and unique insights, can cause a lot of thinking about the development of the industry, but also get a lot of enlightenment. In order to let more people share your experiences, wisdom, talent, achievements and insights, please pick up the pen, you want to write the “essence” in the annals. The manuscripts are informal and formal, of unlimited length and content. They can not only talk about the ways of running the army but also describe the techniques of health care. They can not only talk about old times but also speak for technology and equipment; they can talk about experience as guidance, Also on “take the city” reflects the use of reference. “On how to seek enterprise development in Hebei Province,” Run by Hebei Petrochemical Co., Ltd. Niu Yunlong wrote the article, the article analyzed the development of petroleum and chemical industry in our province, that should start with funding and policy support, through the entire industry practitioners The joint efforts of personnel for the development of Hebei Petrochemical Industry and Hebei Economic Rejuvenation advice and contributions.
2008年,金融危机在中国人的潜意识中似乎还很遥远,这是因为中国的2008年被太多的激情与感动所占据,而金融危机引起的所有负面冲击更是容易被忽视。 In 2008, the financial
在“芯”率的竞争中英特尔推出了频率更高的Pentium 41.7GHz CPU,再次夺回高性能微处理器冠军宝座。 In the “core” competition, Intel introduced the higher frequency Pentium 41.7GHz