地处大别山东南余脉与长江中下游平原结合部的安徽省潜山县方圆1686平方公里,有高山、丘陵,也有湖圩平畈,地形复杂,水系交错。令人欣喜的是这里已成为全国商品粮基地县。 占工今年已49岁了,投身水利事业25个春秋,正如她耿直的性格一样,身后的脚印也实实在在: ——70年代独立完成了全县屈指可数的装机容量
Located in the junction of the southern margin of the Dabie Mountains and the plain of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Qianshan County, Anhui Province has a total area of 1,686 square kilometers and is characterized by high mountains and hills, as well as lakes and plains, complex terrain and staggered water systems. It is gratifying that here has become the country’s commodity grain base counties. Accounting for 49 years old this year, join the 25 spring and autumn waterworks, just as her straight character, behind the footprints are real: - 70 years alone completed a handful of the county’s installed capacity