扩声系统已广泛应用于各类会场,但常因出现声反馈啸叫使音量不能开大,声音听不清,影响会议效果。此外,随着全球经济一体化,各种国际学术交流活动频繁,需要使用新一代的同声传译系统。表1 是会议扩声与数字会议系统主要性能的对比。 智能数字会议系统 智能数字会议系统简称DCN系统(DigitalConference Network),按会场大小和使用功能可分为会议讨论系统、会议表决系统和同声传译系统三类。采用数字编码技术传递音频信号和各种数字控
Sound reinforcement system has been widely used in various venues, but often because of the feedback feedback howling volume can not be opened, the sound can not hear, affect the conference results. In addition, with the global economic integration, various international academic exchange activities are frequent and require the use of a new generation of simultaneous interpretation systems. Table 1 shows the comparison of the main performances of conference sound reinforcement and digital conference system. Intelligent Digital Conference System Digital Conference System (DCN) is called Digital Conferencing Network. It can be divided into conference discussion system, conference voting system and simultaneous interpretation system according to the size and function of the venue. Using digital encoding technology to deliver audio signals and various digital controls