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决策心声当前,绍兴已进入人均GDP突破1万美元的发展阶段,既有着难得的重大机遇,又面临新的严峻挑战。建设特色产业城市、文化休闲城市、生态宜居城市,是顺应发展需求、立足绍兴优势特色,加快推进绍兴科学发展的具有战略性、前瞻性和现实性的重大决策。抓实抓好以大力发展战略性新兴产业为重点的经济转型升级、以加快推进新型城市化为重点的城乡一体化、以保障改善民生为重点的和谐社会建设这三件大事,全面建成惠及全市人民的更高水平的小康社会。 Decision-making At present, Shaoxing has entered a stage of development in which its per-capita GDP has exceeded 10,000 U.S. dollars. This not only presents a rare and significant opportunity, but also faces new and serious challenges. It is a strategic, forward-looking and realistic major policy that adapts to the development needs and bases on the advantages and characteristics of Shaoxing and accelerates the scientific development of Shaoxing. We must do a good job in vigorously developing the strategic emerging industries as the focus of economic restructuring and upgrading to speed up the promotion of new urbanization as the focus of urban and rural integration to protect the livelihood of the people’s livelihood as the key to the construction of a harmonious society these three major events to fully benefit the city People’s higher level of well-off society.
主要作品简介:  《星形广场》  《星形广场》是1968年莫迪亚诺发表的处女作,离奇荒诞的内容和新颖独特的文笔,使他一跃而成为法国文坛一颗熠熠闪光的新星。他的文学才华受到评论界的瞩目,该小说获得当年的罗歇·尼米埃奖。《星形广场》通过一名犹太裔法国青年的故事反映占领年代法国社会底层的生活和犹太人的困境。  《暗店街》  《暗店街》的叙述者是位患了遗忘症的私家侦探。为了找到自己的真实身份,了解自己前半
这是一个真实的故事。1983年11月,一位身患绝症的湖南沅陵籍台湾老兵,在海峡两岸尚处于隔绝状态的情况下,克服重重困难,从台湾归返祖国大陆,回到家乡故土,将自己送骨安魂、落叶归根。  那年,我曾陪同父亲向隆海去探访这位从台湾回到沅陵的老兵吴学志,见证了海峡两岸沅陵人几十年的“乡愁”。这位头发花白、脸上写满沧桑、左脚略跛的中等个子老者,口音仍然带着浓厚的沅陵味。  一时错,半生漂泊  吴学志,原名吴