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镍钛合金形状记忆薄膜的图形化技术曾是其实用化的主要障碍之一,现在,一种工作性能优越的化学刻蚀液可以实现薄膜的高精度图形化,该刻蚀液常温工作,性能稳定,刻蚀速率在1~5 微米/分之间均可得到满意的刻蚀线条。常规制作的光刻胶掩模在该刻蚀液中非常稳定。该刻蚀液用于溅射态的形状记忆合金薄膜可得到与掩模图形完全一致的刻蚀结果,刻蚀线条光滑平直,刻蚀系数大于 15。当用于热处理以后的薄膜时,刻蚀面有一定程度的粗糙化,只能用于刻蚀相对较粗的线条,这是热处理后薄膜中晶粒与晶界刻蚀速率不同所致。用该刻蚀液图形化的形状记忆合金薄膜驱动机构已成功用于微泵制造,所制作的微泵流量达到 200 微升/分钟以上。 Graphite technology of nickel-titanium alloy shape memory film has been one of the main obstacles in practical use. Now, a chemical etching solution with superior working performance can realize high-precision thin-film patterning, and the etching liquid works under normal temperature and has good performance Stable, the etching rate of 1 ~ 5 microns / min can get satisfactory etching lines. The conventionally produced photoresist mask is very stable in this etching solution. The etching solution is used for the sputtered shape memory alloy film to obtain exactly the same etching result as the mask pattern, the etching line is smooth and straight, and the etching coefficient is greater than 15. When used after the heat treatment of the film, the etching surface has a certain degree of roughness, can only be used to etch relatively thick lines, which is the heat treatment after the film grain and grain boundary etching rate due to different. The shape memory alloy thin film drive mechanism patterned with this etching solution has been successfully used in the manufacture of micro-pumps, and the micro-pump flow rate is up to 200 microliters / minute.
有的小孩总是流浓鼻涕,吃药、打针效果都不明显,给他用大蒜敷一次脚心,第二天浓鼻涕就会减少,几天后就奇迹般地消失了。大蒜更神奇的功能是治疗哮喘。    记得5年前的中秋,我母亲买了几斤螃蟹,一家人围在一起边吃边聊。那天我因受凉患了轻度感冒,流清水鼻涕,按理应该少吃寒凉的食物,可经不住母亲一再劝说,又抵挡不住螃蟹独特的鲜香,就吃了4只。晚上回到家,有些咳嗽,也没当回事就睡了。到了半夜,觉得胸闷,吸气很